OSL Foundation
One Solitary Life Touches Many!
The OSL Foundation Partnership
OSL, also known as One Solitary Life, is an organization founded upon principles of
building strong relationships, exceeding customer expectations, and being a leader in
industry. We are deeply committed to the belief that One Solitary Life Touches Many! We
accept the challenge to be relevant and accountable in our society. As such, we practice what
we preach.
At One Solitary Life we believe that we are blessed to be a blessing. We count it a blessing
that you have chosen to support us. We in turn pledge to be a blessing to your communities.
To this end, we have committed to invest a percentage of our earnings back into our
Community of Supporters.
The poem, “One Solitary Life” describes the life of Jesus Christ and the impact that He made
on mankind. We share the belief that we should be the salt of the earth; that we should be the
light of the world; that we have a moral obligation to touch and change lives. Out of this
belief, The One Solitary Life Foundation was born. The One Solitary Life Foundation is
the non-profit representation of One Solitary Life, it is the heart and hands of our Company
It is the mission of The One Solitary Life Foundation to form effective partnerships with
Community organizations to identify areas of need in communities into which we might sow.
We seek these organizations to be our eyes. After all, they know best those in their
neighborhoods who are touching and changing lives. OSL wants to partner in the success of
lives dedicated to touching others. We are persuaded that this fellowship will allow us to
touch many in your communities.
So, how does this work? Visit us online at www.onesolitarylife.com/shop and learn more
about the many quality products and services that we offer, and how your support provides a
unique opportunity for YOU to touch lives. WITH EVERY ORDER YOU PLACE, WE
ALL HELP because:
One Solitary Life touches many!
‘Whose Life Will You Touch Today?’
Our Value
“In each step we take, a legacy is born.”
Choose OSL and be part of a movement that values each life as a gift and every action as an opportunity to create a legacy. Together, let’s build lives that echo with purpose, resilience, and gratitude.
Purpose Fulfilled
Living with intention, creating a meaningful impact every day.
Legacy Honored
Celebrating lives past, shaping a lasting legacy for the future.
Strength Resilient
Embracing life’s challenges, growing through each experience.
Community Connected
Building a network of support, inspiration, and shared values.